Wednesday, April 24, 2024

This Type of Portfolio Could Help You Retire With 20% More Money Than Index Funds - Yahoo Finance

If you're saving for retirement, a broad market index portfolio is typically a good option. Investing in a target date fund or S&P 500 index fund, for instance, are low-cost ways to gain broad market exposure. However, newly published research indicates there may be a significantly more lucrative way to handle your nest egg.

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An analysis from Dimensional Fund Advisors suggests retirement savers can do better than following the standard advice to use index funds, for instance, to get a balanced portfolio. Portfolios built with a focus on size, value and profitability premiums can generate more assets and better longevity than broad market portfolios, according to the DFA research. In fact, a DFA researcher calculated that a portfolio that emphasizes these premiums would leave a hypothetical investor with at least 20% more money by age 65, even if market returns were less than the historical average.

"These results are encouraging. A portfolio that incorporates controlled, moderate premium exposure can strike a balance between higher expected returns than the market and the cost of slightly higher volatility and moderate tracking error," DFA's Mathieu Pellerin wrote in his paper "How Targeting the Size, Value, and Profitability Premiums Can Improve Retirement Outcomes."

"As a result, targeting these long-term drivers of stock returns is likely to...

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