Thursday, April 25, 2024

Primary Care Providers Still Reluctant to Talk About CBD - Pain News Network

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Edibles, beverages and other products made with cannabidiol (CBD) went mainstream years ago, as public attitudes about cannabis changed and retailers discovered there was a growing market for CBD products.

The same is not true for primary care providers, according to a new survey that found most doctors are still reluctant to recommend CBD to their patients because of doubts about its safety and effectiveness. CBD is a chemical compound in marijuana that does not produce euphoria, but is believed to reduce pain and improve other health conditions.

In the online survey of 236 primary care providers (PCP) affiliated with the Mayo Clinic Healthcare Network in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Florida and Arizona, doctors said CBD was frequently brought up during medical appointments, usually by patients. But those conversations didn’t last long, because most PCPs don’t feel they have enough knowledge about CBD and are skeptical about CBD marketing claims.

PCPs in states where marijuana is legal are more receptive to patients using CBD products, while PCPs in states where marijuana is still illegal are more concerned about CBD’s side effects. But regardless of its legal status, most PCPs believe CBD is ineffective for most conditions for which it is marketed, with chronic non-cancer pain and anxiety/stress being the exceptions.

“Results from this mixed methods study show that PCPs practicing in the U.S. rarely screen for or discuss CBD use with their patients and...

source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiaWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnBhaW5uZXdzbmV0d29yay5vcmcvc3Rvcmllcy8yMDIzLzYvNy9wcmltYXJ5LWNhcmUtcHJvdmlkZXJzLXN0aWxsLXJlbHVjdGFudC10by10YWxrLWFib3V0LWNiZNIBdGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnBhaW5uZXdzbmV0d29yay5vcmcvc3Rvcmllcy8yMDIzLzYvNy9wcmltYXJ5LWNhcmUtcHJvdmlkZXJzLXN0aWxsLXJlbHVjdGFudC10by10YWxrLWFib3V0LWNiZD9mb3JtYXQ9YW1w?oc=5