Thursday, April 18, 2024

MRES: Institute of Biomedical Research unveils artificial intelligence ... - PR Newswire

CAPE TOWN, South Africa, June 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Institute of Biomedical Research Corp. (OTC-PINK: MRES) ("Institute of Biomedical Research" or the "Company"), a nutraceutical biotechnology company focused on alternative plant-based cannabinoids, medical psilocybin, and mental health therapeutic research in addition to artificial intelligence-powered, evidence-based sustainable nutritional products and solutions is pleased to provide a comprehensive update on their recent accomplishments and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in their biotechnology and medical solutions.

Over the past 18 months, the company along with its subsidiary M2Bio Sciences, has made considerable advances towards its mission in developing exceptional health products and solutions as well as further solidifying its position as an innovator in the global biotech industry. Through the application of cutting-edge AI algorithms and machine learning, the company has created highly efficient nutritional assistance solutions.

The company has also been actively researching psychedelic compounds for potential therapeutic use in mental health disorders. By employing AI-driven techniques in data research and predictive models, leveraging AI algorithms to analyze vast datasets and identify patterns, M2Bio Sciences has made significant strides in understanding the therapeutic potential and promising results in the treatment of psychedelics for conditions such as depression, anxiety, and...

source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi6gFodHRwczovL3d3dy5wcm5ld3N3aXJlLmNvbS9uZXdzLXJlbGVhc2VzL21yZXMtaW5zdGl0dXRlLW9mLWJpb21lZGljYWwtcmVzZWFyY2gtdW52ZWlscy1hcnRpZmljaWFsLWludGVsbGlnZW5jZS1haS1wb3dlcmVkLWluaXRpYXRpdmVzLXdpdGhpbi1pdHMtY2JkLXByb2R1Y3QtcmFuZ2UtcHNpbG9jeWJpbi1yZXNlYXJjaC1hbmQtY2FyZGlvbWV0YWJvbGljLWhlYWx0aC1zb2x1dGlvbnMtMzAxODQ1MTg1Lmh0bWzSAQA?oc=5